The average house price on RUGMERE CLOSE is £100,023
The most expensive house in the street is 6 RUGMERE CLOSE with an estimated value of £147,351
The cheapest house in the street is 24 RUGMERE CLOSE with an estimated value of £60,255
The house which was most recently sold was 1 RUGMERE CLOSE, this sold on 20 Jul 2016 for £77,000
The postcode for RUGMERE CLOSE is HU3 2ND
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 RUGMERE CLOSE Terraced , 84 m2 £103,290 £77,000 20 Jul 2016
6 RUGMERE CLOSE Terraced , 111 m2 £147,351 £91,995 30 May 2008
12 RUGMERE CLOSE Terraced , 139 m2 £111,375 £71,000 29 Apr 2014
13 RUGMERE CLOSE Terraced , 81 m2 £77,844 £52,000 30 Jan 2015
24 RUGMERE CLOSE Terraced £60,255 £33,000 7 Nov 2005